My sister is a massive movie-music fan. She loves it. I can't usually watch anything with her without being told who wrote the soundtrack and being given a brief synopsis of the composer's career. Daniel (my brother) and I, in our musically uncultured manner, usually laugh and call her pretentious. So it is with a large amount of word-swallowing that I admit that I have completely fallen in love with this piece of music from The Mission. I have literally just finished watching the movie (at 1:30am) for the first time and am still up, downloading the music and finding clips on YouTube. I guess it's one of those pieces that I've aways sort of recognised from somewhere or other but never really fully appreciated till now.
So Lisa, I am deeply and humbly sorry and I know you will appreciate this as much as (if not far more) than I do:
*Lisa smiles* I knew you'd come around!! Yeay!!
I also have a few pieces of music from ennio if you would like to expand your taste in him.
Hmm. See what I mean?
I flippin' LOVE Gabriel's Oboe... but I hear "The Mission" is rubbish as a film. I say I hear, I've never got round to watching it all the way through, got a bit bored when I started it.
Don't think it's film music as such but have either of you ever heard "The Armed Man: A Mass For Peace" by Karl Jenkins? That's really good too
what exactly do you mean by your 'see what I mean?' comment (quite obviously I don't see what you mean)
Nella Fantasia (the song that goes with that tune) rocks... Well, it doesn't rock, but it's great! The Amici Forever version is good...
Gabriel's oboe is my favourite piece of music EVER. Never has there been a more beautiful melody in all the world!
By the way, you're mean. 'Sticks tongue out'
Oh oh. Kirsty throws down the gauntlet for a 'Most Beautiful Melody Thread' I think the most beautiful melody in the world is in Rachmaninov's piano concerto. It does feature in a movie, but I can't, for the life of me, remember which one - but I liked it before it got commercial!
"The Mission" is a fantastic soundtrack. Absolutely love it. Had it on CD, but it went missing, and is one that I have been meaning to replace ever since. Seem to remember it being used as an accompaniment to a dramatic presentation at Summer School one year (no, not one of mine, I use George Michael!)
I was in that! Ha ha! It was called Colours of Kingship. We had lots of big sheets in all different colours and used them to portray the life of Jesus.
On Gabriels Oboe, we had this as Chrissy came down the aisle at our wedding played by flute and guitar it was lovely.
On favourite melodies - I think Liz is talking about Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 2 (2nd movement) it's an amazing melody and was recently used in the advert for Channel 4 +1. It's given a run for its money by Shostakovich piano concerto No. 2 (2nd Movement)
I just wanna pitch in with the melody from the second movement from Saint-Saens' organ symphony...
...NOT the bit used in 'Babe', I hasten to add.
For me, it has to be the theme tune from Saved by the Bell.
lol at you john
you have good taste Glynn..we had this at our wedding with String sure how i got to the bottom of the aisle...was beautiful.
I have just rememebered the other place I have heard this tune - Romford Primary always do their Nativity to it! With a big old voice over......brings a real lump to the throat :)They must throw in a few repeats though, it lasts for ages
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